Friday, February 16, 2007

As Rosanna Rosanna Dana used to say...


I've spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out Mary's camera and take a photo of my new hair. I finally got it right and loaded it into iPhoto. I look nearly exactly the same as I do in the shot already posted of me and Joe...taken in November right after I got the remainder of my locks shaved off super short. Kind of anti-climatic.

So I think I'll wait until I can snap a barrette in there or something, then send ya'll a shot.

1 comment:

Terry Albright said...

Hey sis,
I wanna seeeeeeeee...(in a real whiney voice). I miss your smiling face and want updates!

Wanted to let you know Tom gave blood today and did a *double dip* where they took blood, then put it through some machine then gave it back (minus the good stuff they kept) then took more! Long afternoon for him but a good feeling that someone will benefit.
I'm sure Lauren can explain better what that was all about.
Love ya kiddo...halfway done the radiation now! woooooohooooooo